PTG – Getting started

You can also fill in the PTG Questionnaire to get an impression of where you are now.

PostTraumatic Growth turns misery into life experience. This requires a focus on strengths, talents and skills. How can you strengthen those?
Get started with PostTraumatic Growth! For yourself, or as a coach, psychologist, practitioner, employment expert, HR professional or manager. 

You can of course buy our book. Or choose from our other offer: individual coaching, inspiration sessions, workshops or masterclasses.
You can also fill in the PTG Questionnaire to get an impression of where you are now. 

Getting started 


PTG Coaching sessions “From complaint To Strength.”

Have you become acquainted with the philosophy of PostTraumatic Growth – Stronger through misery, and do you need a little help to find the way to growth in yourself?

During two hour-long conversations, we help you get on your track to growth. We will mainly look at which strengths you can develop further, which will ultimately ensure that you can grow beyond your complaints. From complaint to Strength.

Ralph showed strong, aggressive verbal behaviour 

“Ralph has Utrecht in his heart and soul. You can laugh tremendously with him. He is the type “rough on the outside but warm on the inside” and is always straightforward. And full of humour.

Ralph is also a strong manager. Due to his broad background, experience and personality, he works very effectively. He will fix departments that are not running well, in no time. Still, he was almost fired, and his wife almost left him.

Ralph had one big problem. When irritated, he got so verbally aggressive that others made sure they got out of his way. Something had to be done, he knew that too, because he had no control over that behaviour. But when and how?

The pain of the threatening loss of his wife and his job was the last straw to make a change.”

Start of a case from the book PostTraumatic Growth – Stronger through misery

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