
!It is our mission to make the concept of PTG more widely known than PTSS. Because it can mean so much to people!
This newsletter offers inspiration and knowledge. Both for you personally and for you as a professional.

“Sir, you should be grateful if you make it to 60”

Sir, you should be grateful if you make it to 60″, Freek was told this when he was 56 years old. He had already survived several myocardial infarctions and had multiple surgeries to kill veins. “It doesn’t look very good anymore,” he was told.

Freek was the owner of a successful company. He and his environment saw him as a celebrated, “tough” businessman. But this all changed suddenly due to his “near-death sentence”.

He did everything so well. And now his body deserted him. Strong emotions overcame him. What am I supposed to do with this, he wondered. As a tough businessman, he had no idea how to handle this. He condemned himself for it.

Freek did not know what to do with this. He was completely lost and sought help. He never thought he would ever do that, but he was living through such an emotional rollercoaster that he made an appointment.

Start of a case from the book PostTraumatic Growth – Stronger through misery

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We vertellen graag over ons werk en onze missie: PostTraumatische Groei bekender maken dan PTSS. Omdat het zoveel voor mensen kan betekenen! Deze nieuwsbrief biedt inspiratie en kennis. Zowel voor jou persoonlijk als voor jou als professional.

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