PTG Questionnaire


Fill in the PTG Questionnaire. The questions look at five areas: relationships with others, experiencing new possibilities, experiencing personal strength, changes in religion, spirituality or philosophy of life, changes in the appreciation and perception of life. Completing this often helps to see positive sides too!

You can choose from a short questionnaire (10 questions, completion time: a few minutes) or a complete questionnaire (25 questions, completion time: 5-10 minutes).

In the abbreviated questionnaire, the total score gives a good representation of the degree of PostTtraumatic Growth you have experienced, and the scores in the five areas mentioned above are only indicative. With the complete questionnaire, you also get the complete scores in the five areas.

You will immediately receive the results by email.

“The energy I felt flowing back into my mind after every session with Greet was amazing. The motivation, talent and behavioural analysis gave me a very clear picture of where I get energy from at work. I now have an outlook on a job and an employer that are much better suited to my wishes and characteristics.” 


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