It is our mission to make the concept of PTG more widely known than PTSS.. Why? Because it can make you so much stronger! Because it makes that so many people grow in challenging times and can turn something nasty into something valuable. The more people that know, the better. That is why we like to tell about our work. In the media and our own publications. This is a selection.
Press en, juli 2020. (Dutch, use google translate)
Intermediair, mei 2020. (Dutch, use google translate) .
Open Universiteit september 2019. (Dutch, use google translate) .
Effects of post-traumatic growth and personal resources on burnout recovery. Greet Vonk’s scientific research, published in The International Journal of Workplace Health Management, September 2019.
About our book
On March 16, the day that the whole of the Netherlands fell ‘silent’ due to the strict measures, the book about ‘stronger through misery’ was published. The book PostTraumatic Growth – Stronger through misery offers hope, comfort, tools and ultimately a positive perspective for all kinds of misery. A preview.
PostTraumatic Growth is about “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.”
Drastic events can have a major impact on your life. Whether it is getting an illness, experiencing a burnout or depression, seeing an accident, experiencing a divorce or bankruptcy, losing a job or other misery. It is often intense and drastic, but difficult times or misery can ultimately positively transform your life course completely. And that’s what our book is about. In science that phenomenon is called “PostTraumatic Growth”, or “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”.
Trauma is a subjective concept
For many people, the word “trauma” is a “big word.” Great human suffering is experienced as trauma by almost everyone, but there are all kinds of experiences and events that can be experienced as traumatic. Experiencing trauma is a subjective fact in the field of PostTraumatic Growth. The question is whether what happens strongly affects your life. That is not the same for everyone.
Misery remains misery, but PTG ultimately also offers a positive perspective
Misery remains misery. It is not pleasant for anyone to experience misery. No human being excluded. Not even if it ultimately leads to something good.
However, when people experience misery, there is often a lot of attention for reducing complaints, but not for growth. And that’s not smart. The opportunities for development are particularly great during challenging moments in someone’s life. By achieving Post Traumatic Growth (PTG). Achieving PTG is often primarily a struggle. People want to feel good immediately after misery, but that is, unfortunately, an illusion. Our book is about how you can deal with the misery of yourself or that of someone else and what misery contributes to the ultimate achievement of PTG. Having the positive, hopeful ideas of PTG as a perspective makes the process a little easier, which can make it go faster.
What does PTG provide?
PTG mainly delivers a version of yourself that makes you happier. This is because during the struggle you get to know yourself and your possibilities extensively. You can recognize such a PTG change when people talk about it as if their life has been divided into “parts”, such as: “Since my accident I have been a different person, I enjoy life much more”; “After my cancer recovery, I know what is really important in life”; “My world collapsed when I lost my job, but afterwards that was the best thing that happened to me”; “Because of my burnout, I am much happier and more conscious in life and I make choices that suit me”; “Through all these dramatic events I realize what is truly important in our lives.”
The importance of knowledge about PTG
One of the reasons for writing our book is that having knowledge of PTG or even knowing its existence is important for achieving PTG. However, the phenomenon of PTG is still very unknown. That is very unfortunate because it can withdraw many people who are stagnant from psychological/emotional related complaints from the quicksand.
We have therefore written our book for people who are experiencing misery themselves and for people who “support” or guide people with misery in their private or working environment.